DOT Pre Employment Drug Test & Screening For FMCSA
Drug and alcohol abuse costs the American economy as much as $276 billion per year in lost productivity, health care expenses, and damage/injuries from motor vehicle collisions and workplace accidents. FMCSA pre-employment drug testing is not only required by the Department of Transportation, it’s also an effective way to keep your company safe by discouraging regular drug users from applying and catching drug-related problems before they become dangerous or financially ruinous.
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FMCSA Pre Employment Drug Testing For Truckers
If you have a commercial driver’s license and are regulated by the FMCSA, chances are you’ll need to take a FMCSA pre-employment drug test. But just in case you’re still not sure if FMCSA pre employment drug testing applies to you, here’s a quick little breakdown.
Prospective transportation company employees (including self-employed owner operators) are required to undergo FMCSA pre-employment drug testing if:
- The driver is new to the transportation industry.
- More than 30 days has passed since the driver participated in a drug and alcohol testing program
- The driver has been enrolled in a program less than 12 months and has not tested within the past six months.
What Is A DOT Pre Employment Drug Test?
Part of staying DOT compliant for truck drivers and owner-operators is to take part in a DOT pre-employment drug test. This test is done prior to a truck driver being hired and taking the road.
The FMCSA requires a 5-panel drug test for pre-employment drug testing.

DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing Programs
We’ve made it simple, affordable, and convenient for you to stay compliant with our DOT pre employment drug testing programs. Choose one of the two options below and get yourself ready to hit the road and haulin’ loads!
DOT Compliant
- Enrollment Certificate
- Drug & Alcohol Policy
- Employee Education Guide
- Access To 12K Collection Sites
- Medical Review
- Pre-Employment Drug Test
- FREE Annual Random Test
$65.95 (covers 1 driver)
Add On:
Additional Drivers ($15 each)
Pre-Employment Drug Testing ($70 each)
Enroll Now
DOT Compliant
Enrollment & Testing
- Enrollment Certificate
- Drug & Alcohol Policy
- Employee Education Guide
- Access To 12K Collection Sites
- Medical Review
- Pre-Employment Drug Test
- FREE Annual Random Test
$165 (covers 1 driver)
Add On:
Add Additional Drivers ($119 each)
Enroll NowDOT Compliant
Training Courses
These courses meet or exceed the training requirements in all 50-states for the following federal agencies: FMCSA, FAA, FTA, FRA, USCG, PHMSA that use the DOT guidelines.
- Employee & Supervisor Awareness Training
- Drug & Alcohol Test Training
- Same-Day Certificate Issuance
- Instant Course Access
Driver Qualification File Management
- Commercial Driver Application
- MVR Report
- Previous Employer Verification
- Medical Exam Status
- Crash Inspection Report (PSP)
- Clearinghouse Query
Streamline Your Compliance Procedures & Potentially Avoid Hefty Fines
Enroll Now
Pre Employment Drug Testing & Screening Benefits
Some companies may think that CDL pre-employment drug testing and screening may be a waste of money and resources. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, CDL pre-employment drug testing and screening can help ensure your organization runs more smoothly and limits its liabilities.
Pre-employment drug testing and screening helps your company:
- Make the right hire the first time.
- Protect your company’s reputation.
- Protect truck driver reputation.
- Minimize drug abusers applying for jobs.
- Avoid costly fines and penalties.
- Avoid potential litigation with poor hires.
Over 12,000 Locations
DOT Pre Employment Drug Testing Sites
Need to get your FMCSA pre-employment drug testing and screening done? Consortium Pool offers over 12,000 locations for your company and truck drivers to get tested at. No matter what state you’re in we have a location for you to quickly get your testing done so that you can get on the road quicker. All our testing laboratories adhere to DOT and FMCSA guidelines to ensure your testing meets their strict standards.
Frequently Asked Questions
We know you probably have many questions about FMCSA pre-employment testing and what’s involved with it. We get asked dozens of questions about the FMCSA drug and alcohol programs and we’re happy to answer them as best as we can! Take a look below at some of the most frequently asked questions.
What happens if I fail a DOT pre-employment drug test?
If you fail a pre-employment drug test, you will likely not be hired by that company. You will also be pulled from any safety-sensitive jobs that you are performing. This failed test will also be placed on your record.
What kind of drug test is used for pre-employment drug testing?
The common type of drug test done for pre-employment drug testing is the urine test. Some other possibilities are hair follicle drug testing.
How long is a DOT pre-employment drug test good for?
An employee only needs to take the pre-employment drug test once when being hired by an employer. If that employee leaves the company and is re-hired, they must once again submit to a pre-employment drug test.
Do they search you before a DOT pre-employment drug test?
No, you are not frisked before taking a pre-employment drug test. The tests are done at an FMCSA-approved laboratory.