When it comes to DOT compliance for your commercial truck company—even if you’re a self-owned and operated truck owner—there’s no room to make mistakes. DOT regulations are put into place to help prevent accidents, and they are taken very seriously. When a driver violates these regulations, there are many negative repercussions. Besides the fact that the safety of the driver and public are put into jeopardy, the truck company’s reputation can be damaged, and there will be penalties, fees, and maybe even jail time. To help trucking companies and owner-operators, here is a DOT compliance checklist for 2017:
Are You Making Pre-Trip Inspections A Top Priority?
Before a driver begins any travel, a pre-trip maintenance and safety inspection should be done. It’s also very important to record everything, even if things are in good shape. Post-trip inspections are important as well.
Are You And Your Drivers Familiar With FMCSA Regulations?
Every truck company and owner-operator needs to keep a latest version of the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration rules nearby. Not only should a physical copy be kept in the office; all truck drivers need to sign statements that they have received a list of these rules and that they will follow them.
Are You Keeping Your Drivers Clear-Headed?
Once a new employee passes their drug screening, it doesn’t end there. DOT regulations require drivers to undergo random drug testing as well. Make sure to conduct regular random drug tests, and follow through with the penalties if a driver has violated the rules.
RELATED – See Also:
The Necessity Of DOT Compliance For Truck Company Owners
Random Drug Testing 101
How to Pass DOT Physical Tests for Truck Drivers
Have Your Supervisors Completed DOT Training?
Every DOT compliance checklist should include this one. Supervisors will need to complete their DOT training in order to be compliant. Be sure to have a look at the supervisor training that we offer at Consortium Pool.
Do You Have A Written Drug-Free Workplace Policy?
Every commercial truck company should have a clearly-written drug-free workplace policy. This policy should have detailed sections about drug and alcohol testing, including how a situation should be handled if a driver fails a test, if they will be allowed back, what type of drug test they will be given, and so on.
Are Your Drivers’ Records Being Kept Up-To-Date?
Driver records have to be kept up-to-date. These records include how many logged hours spent driving, passed safety inspections, certifications of the driver, and the drug screening results of any drug testing they have had done.
Are You Implementing Substance Abuse Programs For Drivers Who Violated DOT Regulations?
If a truck driver fails a drug or alcohol test, they must be taken off duty and should be required to go through a substance abuse program. Only then should they be allowed back to work—and only after they have taken a return-to-duty drug test.
Are You Up-To-Date On The Status Of Your Vehicle(s)?
Commercial truck company owners must keep records of all accidents and incidents that have involved company vehicles. It’s the responsibility of the company owner to make sure that all DOT ID numbers are clearly visible on each vehicle as well.
Are You Administering Random Drug Tests?
At least 50% of a company’s truck drivers should be tested randomly for drugs each year, and 10% should be tested for alcohol abuse each year. It’s important for commercial truck companies to adhere to these random tests.
Make sure you’re in line with this DOT compliance checklist. Omitting even one of these topics makes a truck company liable for all sorts of negative repercussions. Commercial truck companies and self-owned and operated truckers can come to Consortium Pool for everything they need to be DOT compliant. Contact us for a free consultation or with any questions you may have!